Sensei Lloyd E. Philip

Port Coquitlam Butokukan Karate

Hyde Creek Recreation Centre
1379 Laurier Ave.
Port Coquitlam BC Canada, V3C 2B9


Sensei Lloyd E. Philip

My Upline is Soke Robert Hill

Class Days are Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Dojo History

The Dojo started in Port Coquitlam around 1977 and I joined in 1979.

I received my Shodan on March 23, 1986, and my Nidan under Soke Hill in August 1989.  Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I had to take full responsibility of the Dojo in 1990 and have been the Head Instructor since then.  I was promoted to Shichidan by Soke Hill on December 18, 2019.

When I took responsibility for the Dojo, classes were held in the multipurpose room of the George Pearkes Junior Secondary school.  This school has been rebuilt and renamed.

We relocated to the Hyde Creek Centre after it was renovated in the early 1990’s.

In 2005 I handed the operation of the Dojo to Sensei Glen Dove and went to Tobago in the Caribbean where I opened a Dojo in a recreation centre.  I came back every summer and worked out in the Hyde Creek Dojo, as well as dojos in Washington state.  This continued for 10 years.

Due to family responsibilities, Sensei Glen could not continue running the Dojo and in 2007 he passed the responsibility to Sensei Kyle Matthew.

In 2016 we moved back permanently to Canada.  Sensei Kyle’s job and family was taking more of his time, so I resumed the full responsibility for the Dojo in 2017.

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